No other manufacture in the industry has brought to market more revolutionary mulcher and cutting technology than Gyro-Trac!
From remote back-country applications to lot and brush clearing, we have a machine to get the job done!Mulching Machines
Our mulchers will cut more wood in less time than any other mulchers in its class. With these mulchers in your pocket productivity, profitability and performance will increase drastically. Our engines are 30% lighter and 50% smaller, that means these mulchers need fewer parts, less cooling, and have fewer breakdowns.
These Cutter-heads are specially designed to grind a tree into fine chips. It can do it rapidly and at very lost costs. You can effectively cut miles and miles of fence and survey lines or you can clear an acre of wooded land in a single day. The efficiency of these cutter heads is unrivaled.
Waste Shredder
Gyro-Trac’s Compact-Thor Waste Shredder is the only choice if you are looking for a environmental debris shredder. This marvel of ingenuity can quickly and efficiently shred waste into manageable bales. These bales are easier to deal with than loosely shredded debris and can easily be hauled by small equipment.
Messek Utility Carrier
This carrier will give you the power to handle any heavy duty jobs that come your way while maintaining the mobility of small vehicles. Our MESSEK’s can be equipped with all types of attachments to make your life on the job smoother. The treads are specially designed to disrupt nothing when it does its duty, leaving behind a cleaner and safer environment.
Our BBS-XP mulches, then automatically resizes and bales it for lighting quick land clear. These innovations completely eliminates the need for multiple pieces of equipment. Get the machine that can do it all! Sometimes the bales can be sold for bonus revenue. Our machine has no other equal and will be the most profitable machine in your pocket.
Cutter-head Teeth
The core of every Gyro-Trac begins with our superior cutting teeth. Our SABRE-TOOTH TECHNOLOGY redesigns the original “Planar” tooth platform. Our new technology pulverizes the wood into a dust like mulch that wicks away fire; it also uses less energy and fuel than any previous cutting system in existence.