If you've done any serious Forestry Mulching work in 2020, you've likely spent time sharpening cutter-head teeth. On average, a smaller operation will spend around 30-45 minutes a day sharpening. While this may seem like it's not that big of a deal... in the mulching business, time is money.
So, to save our Land Clearing and Mulchers both time & money, we created the GROOVY TOOTH self-sharpening Cutter-head Teeth for Skid Steers & Mulching Machines
Gyro-Trac GT-16 XP featuring Groovy Tooth Self-sharpening cutter-head teeth.
Successful Land Clearing & Forestry Mulching Businesses Depend on Top of the Line Forestry Mulching Machines & Cutter-heads.
Ride along with Jesse Rast, an independent heavy equipment Sales Rep out of Cameron, SC as he explains the benefit in even more detail. Jesse has been selling GYRO-TRAC equipment for over 2 years, but with our new GROOVY TOOTH cutter-head teeth, he says that they sell themselves.
Jesse Rast along with his customers in both South Carolina & North Carolina have all been pleased with the results thus far. One of the very best features of these new Land Clearing and Forestry Mulching cutter-head teeth, is they work on other leading brands as well. That said, if your current machine is incompatible, well it may be time to reconsider brands!